Health Education Division
Why Move?
The Salem County Department of Health & Human Services is dedicated to improving the health of our community. It is a goal to increase availability of physical activity as well as to decrease the amount of our residents with an inactive lifestyle. Physical activity is one of the best things a person can do to decrease their risk of chronic conditions and improve pre-existing ones. It increases circulation, builds muscle, and improves breathing. It releases feel good hormones and helps you rest better. It can also help relieve stress! No excuse not to Move Yourself!
Move Yourself! Programs
Please call 856-339-8622 for information about the next class.
Chair Exercise Indoors
Join us for chair exercises every Tuesday at the Ware Agricultural Building located at 51 Cheney Rd. Woodstown, NJ 08098 at 10:00 AM. We provide chair yoga, strength, balance, posture, and stretch courses that vary each week. The program insturctor will update you on upcoming events within our community and educate you about a health-realted topic.
Walk N’ Talks
Don’t like walking alone? Then this program is for you! We meet at various walking sites throughout the county and walk together. During the walk, the Salem County Health Department’s health educator will lead a discussion on various health topics. Participants have a chance to ask questions and learn more while getting exercise in a group setting. Participants can plan to meet up with other walkers and begin to walk separately or just follow the program around the county and find some new walking trails!
Check the News & Notices page for the most recent Walk N’ Talk schedule.