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Public Preparedness

Public Preparedness Division


The purpose of Public Preparedness Division is to develop a sustainable and enhanced Public Health Public Preparedness Support System (PHPPSS) to protect Salem County residents from public health emergencies (natural, biological, chemical, radiological and nuclear), in partnership with the state, county and other relevant community-based organizations.

What is Salem County doing to prepare for a public health emergency?

Salem is one of 21 LINCS agencies (Local Information Network & Communication Systems) in New Jersey. As a LINCS agency we are responsible for the distribution of life saving antibiotics and other medication in response to a disease outbreak, biological or chemical attack. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention requires LINCS agencies to develop plans to distribute this medication within 48 hours. In Salem County we have plans to distribute medication at any of our 5 POD sites (Points of Distribution) throughout the county.

Training and Exercising
In order to test our plans the Salem County Public Preparedness Division conducts several exercises each year. These exercises often include our emergency response partners like the Office of Emergency Management, Emergency Medical Services, law enforcement and local healthcare facilities. We also include our trained volunteers called the Medical Reserve Corps (MRC). Emergency preparedness staff also maintains readiness by attending trainings like Incident Command Structure, CBRNE awareness, Emergency Risk Communication and American Red Cross Sheltering.

What can I do to prepare for an emergency? Even though Salem County has plans to respond to a public health emergency, you need to take action to be prepared. Simple steps like stockpiling food, water and medications make a big difference in managing your family during a crisis. Click on the links listed below to download toolkits and read about other important preparedness tips.