Environmental Health Division
110 Fifth Street Suite 500 Salem, NJ 08079 Phone: 856-935-7510, Ext. 8448 Fax: 856-935-5348
Environmental Division Summer of Health Campaign
Essential Services Include:
- Investigate and diagnose environmental health hazards which may affect the community
- Enforce laws and regulations that protect health and ensure safety
- Inform, educate, and empower people about health issues.
Information for the Public
- If you are interested in obtaining information from this Department, please refer to the “Departments, Authorities & Committees” page to find the link to OPRA requests department.
- You may also check the NJDEP website for site specific records by visiting https://www.nj.gov/dep/opra..
- Updated Environmental Fee Schedule, revised 12/31/2021
General Information
- SCIA Cardboard Letter to Haulers
- For information on FDA recalls, please visit: https://www.fda.gov/food/buy-store-serve-safe-food/food-recalls-what-you-need-know
- NJ Bag Ban
Lead in Drinking Water
- Lead in drinking water fact sheet
- Lead in drinking water at schools and child care facilities – Spanish
- NJDEP—Division of water supply and Geoscience –LEAD
Bed Bugs Resources
Mold Resources
- Flood Clean Up and The Air In Your Home
- Indoor Environmental Remediation Firms – NJDHSS
- Mold Remediation in Schools and Commercial Buildings
- Mold, Moisture and Your Home
Our Staff
- Shannon Gandy, Senior Registered Environmental Health Specialist
- Robert Howell, Principal RegisteredEnvironmental Health Specialist
- Nicole Hunter, Keyboarding Clerk II
- Danielle McKelvey, Senior RegisteredEnvironmental Health Specialist
- Emma Nolan, Environmental Health Specialist
- Tabitha Dilks, Senior RegisteredEnvironmental Health Specialist
- Rebecca Sleeter, Principal RegisteredEnvironmental Health Specialist
Harmful Algae Blooms
If you suspect a water body to be experiencing a HAB, report it to the DEP Hotline (1-877-WARNDEP(927-6337)) or download the WARN NJDEP mobile app. A HAB can also be reported on DEP’s website at the following link: https://survey123.arcgis.com/share/993bfe45dc494666af762b5397c12b9c Harmful Algae Blooms Information