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Human Services Division

Care ConnectionsTo Receive a Friendly Phone Call

Program Description

Through our Care Connections program, we hope to reach older and homebound adults who would enjoy a weekly phone call for friendly companionship.

Please fill out the form below so that we can learn more about you and choose the best person to partner you with. Please keep in mind that this is a free service and does not include any professional help or medical advice.


  • Must be a Salem County Resident
  • Must be 60 years or older


  • Must be a homebound and/ or disabled individual (you must be at least 18 years or older if homebound and/ or disabled, you must provide proof of disability)

Terms of Use:

  • In order to have your friendly phone call, you must be at home. Phone calls from cars are not allowed due to safety reasons.
  • Respect and safety are the top priorities of the Care Connections team. If at any time you begin to speak in a manner that is disrespectful, vulgar, or inappropriate to the friendly caller, you understand that you may be discontinued from the program indefinitely and will no longer receive friendly phone calls.
  • If at any time an issue arises and/ or you feel uncomfortable with the conversation you are having with your Care Connections caller, please call 856-935-7510 ext. 8475.
  • If you are not ready or are unable to take the phone call at the scheduled time, you will have a 15-minute grace period to return the phone call to your friend.
  • Please give 24-hour notice if you need to reschedule your phone call. If you miss three phone calls without 24-hour notice, you will be put on a 30-day suspension.

Care Connections - Receive Calls

Do you prefer receiving a phone call from a (choose one one):(Required)
Do you have a specific time you would like your friend to call you? (choose one):(Required)
If YES, what time would you like your friend to call you?
Do you have a disability? choose one):(Required)
Are you a Veteran? (choose one):(Required)
You can share as much or as little information as you would like! Examples of interests to share: How many children/ grandchildren you have, your favorite vacation, place you grew up, places you’ve worked, your favorite holiday, and/ or what’s something you’re looking forward to.

Emergency Contact Information

In the event that during or after your call, your friend needs to reach out to your next of kin for because of an emergency, please provide at least 1 person close to you that knows you well

Emergency Contact #1 (Required):

Emergency Contact #2:

I give permission to Salem County Health and Human Services, its staff and/ or volunteers to furnish this information to my assigned friendly caller for the purposes of the “Friendly Phone Call” program. I understand that the information provided will be used to select my friendly caller and anyone obtaining/ furnishing this information from all liability which may result from the divulgence of such information. By signing this application agree to the Terms of Use of the Care Connections Program.
Clear Signature
MM slash DD slash YYYY
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Contact Us

Salem County Health Dept.
110 Fifth Street • Suite 500
Salem, NJ 08079

Phone: 856-935-7510
Fax: 856-935-5348

Report An Immediately Reportable Disease: 856-935-7510 x8487
Emergency After Hours: 856-769-1955

Have Concerns?

Report a Public Health Concern

