Human Services Division
Division of Mental Health & Addiction Services
Salem County Opioid Settlement Funds Community Input Survey ⇒
Suicide & Crisis Lifeline 988
988 is the nationwide dialing code for crisis & suicide prevention. Call 988 and get help specifically designed for someone dealing with a mental health crisis.
Sign the stigma- free pledge or LEARN MORE
Links to Mental Health Services
If you need help now:
- If someone is in imminent danger or experiencing a medical emergency, call 9-1-1 immediately.
- If you or a loved one is experiencing thoughts of or has a plan of suicide or harm to self or others, due to mental illness, immediately call Psychiatric Emergency Screening Services at 856-299-3001.
If you are a law enforcement officer:
- 1-866-267-2267
- COP 2 COP is a free and confidential 24-hour telephone HelpLine. It is available exclusively for law enforcement officers and their families to help deal with personal or job related stress and behavioral healthcare issues.
If you are a veteran:
- 1-866-838-7654
- New Jersey Vet2Vet is a 24 hour/7-day a week helpline coordinated by Rutgers University Behavioral Health Care. The helpline features peer counseling for Veterans, members of the Air/Army National Guard, and family members.
If you need someone to talk to:
- If you or a love one is feeling overwhelmed with life’s stressors, and need someone to talk to, help is available 24/7.
- If you are age 10-24, call 2nd Floor at 888-222-2228 or visit their website at:
- The NJ Hopeline is a peer support and suicide prevention hotline, and can be accessed by calling 855-654-6735
- You can also access 24/7 support at the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 988.
If you are a family member of someone experiencing a mental illness:
- If your family member is experiencing a mental illness, and you are looking for support and education about their mental illness, how you can assist, and / or information about the mental health system, contact the Salem County National Alliance on Mental Illness via phone, at (856) 217-5509; email, at ; or visit
- You can also access support and education through Intensive Family Support Services (IFSS), a program offered through Health Care Commons, Inc. For more information, call IFSS at, 856-299-3200.
If you are in need of services:
- If you are in need of services the best place to start is to call the back of your insurance card and ask for a list of in-network providers.
- To speak to someone about information and referrals, contact NJ Mental Health Cares at: 866-202-4357 or 877-294-4356 (TTY)
- For a list of state funded resources, visit the NJ Directory of Mental Health Services at:
- To search other Directories, please click on the links below:
- CGS Resource Net:
- Please note that Salem County does not endorse any one particular mental health agency, and that we work with all county stakeholders to ensure residents are receiving the best possible care available.
If you would like more information about Mental Health and Mental Illness:
- To search various topics surrounding Mental Health, Mental Illness, and Addiction, visit Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration at:
- For more information about what you can do to get involved, visit NJ National Alliance for Mental Illness at:
- For more information about NJ state programming, visit:
If you would like more information about Disaster Response Crisis Counseling:
- Visit:
If you are a parent of a minor or a primary or secondary school professional:
- For information and resources about mental illness, addiction, and / or developmental and intellectual disability, visit:
County-Funded Treatment Services
Sub-Acute Detoxification Services
Maryville, Inc.
(856) 629-0244
1903 Grant Ave.,
Williamstown, NJ 08094
New Hope Foundation
(732) 946-3030
80 Conover Road,
Marlboro, NJ 08318
Outpatient Services:
(856) 358-4111 x2023
9 Harding Highway,
Pittsgrove, NJ 08318
Residential Services:
Maryville, Inc.
(856) 629-0244
1903 Grant Ave.,
Williamstown, NJ 08094
New Hope Foundation
(732) 946-3030
80 Conover Road,
Marlboro, NJ 08318
Male/Female Halfway House Services:
Hendricks/Hansen House
(856) 794-2443
542 North West Boulevard,
Vineland, NJ 08360
Funded by the NJ State Department of Human Services, Division of Mental Health and Addiction Services and the Salem County Board of County Commissioners.
Sober Living Funding
If you or someone you know is new to recovery and looking for a sober living environment through an Oxford House or Licensed Sober Living House, assistance is available. Funding can cover the initial costs associated with a down payment and first month’s rent. For more information contact: 856-935-7510 x8449 or at
SC Overdose Fatality Review Team (OFRT)
Chance VanDover, OFRT Coordinator
Phone: 856-935-7510 x8301
110 Fifth Street, Salem, NJ 08079
The mission of the Salem County Overdose Fatality Review Team is, through the review of overdose fatalities, to identify gaps in public systems and social services that if strengthened, could prevent future deaths from drug overdose. This multi-agency/ multi-disciplinary team works to build relationships between local stakeholders and recommend prevention strategies.
South Jersey Area Recovery Meetings:
Please use the resources below to find Recovery Meeting locations and information:
Find South Jersey Area Alcoholics Anonymous Meetings here:
Find South Jersey Area Narcotics Anonymous Meetings here:
Recovery Transportation Program
If you or someone you know is in need of transportation to and from recovery related meetings or appointments, FREE Transportation may be available. You must be a Salem County resident and 18 years and older.

Free Monthly Narcan Kit Giveaway
Salem County drug and alcohol drug abuse services is offering free Narcan kits to Salem County residents.
- Kit Distribution is by appointment only
- Limited kits are available
- All kit disruptions are strictly confidential
- A brief Narcan administration demonstration will be given at pickup
To Schedule an Appointment, please contact Jacklyn Treece.
P: 856-935-7510 extension 8105
E: .
What is stigma?
Stigma is a mark of disgrace that results from the judgment by others. When an individual is labeled by their illness, they often experience feeling of shame, embarrassment, distress, hopelessness, and reluctance to seek or accept help. More than half of people with mental illness don’t receive help for their disorders due to feelings of shame and guilt related to the stigma associated with mental illness and substance use disorders. They usually are reluctant to seek treatment or delay seeking treatment due to concerns about being treated differently or fears of losing their jobs and livelihoods.
Stigma, prejudice and discrimination against people with mental illness and substance use disorders can be subtle, or it can be obvious—but no matter the magnitude, it can lead to harm. People with mental illness and substance use disorder are marginalized and discriminated against in various ways but understanding what that looks like and how to address and eradicate it can help.
How do we stop stigma?
Add the JPEG below to your email signature to show your pledge to be StigmaFree!
Try these simple tips for talking:
Do Say:
- “Thanks for opening up to me.”
- “Is there anything I can do to help?”
- “How can I help?”
- “Thanks for sharing.”
- “I’m sorry to hear that. It must be tough.”
- “I’m here for you when you need me.”
- “I can’t imagine what you’re going through.”
- “People do get better.”
- “Oh man, that sucks.”
- “Can I drive you to an appointment?”
- “How are you feeling today?”
- “I love you.”
Don’t Say:
- “It could be worse.”
- “Just deal with it.”
- “Snap out of it.”
- “Everyone feels that way sometimes.”
- “You may have brought this on yourself.”
- “We’ve all been there.”
- “You’ve got to pull yourself together.”
- “Maybe try thinking happier thoughts.”
Know the numbers!
- 1 in 5 US adults experience mental illness each year
- Suicide is the 2nd leading cause of death among people aged 10-34 and the 10th leading cause of death in the US.
- 32.1% of U.S. adults with mental illness also experienced a substance use disorder in 2020 (17 million individuals)
- Mental illness and substance use disorders are involved in 1 out of every 8 emergency department visits by a U.S. adult (estimated 12 million visits)
Educate yourself on the topic of stigma by checking out the National Alliance of Mental Illness website here.
Learn more about why your words matter by reviewing the Recovery Research Addictionary here.
Follow us on Facebook to stay involved and get information on upcoming educational opportunities: (12) Salem County Division of Mental Health & Addiction Services | Facebook
Together we can take action to make Salem County StigmaFree!
Feeling Burnt Out? Find A Healthy Way to Cope
Burnout occurs when someone is under chronic stress.
It is a state of emotional, physical, and mental exhaustion which can be brought on by many different factors. Though it’s most often caused by problems at work, it can also appear in other areas of life, such as parenting, caretaking, or relationships and can even be tied to the uncertainty related to COVID-19 and other life stressors.
Signs of burnout can often include irritability, insomnia, helplessness, physical exhaustion and feeling of anxiety. If not addressed properly, burnout can affect your everyday life. Self-care plays an important role in successfully overcoming burnout. See the tips in the photo above. You can try these when you start to feel overwhelmed or are under a lot of stress. Find healthy ways to cope with your stress and ask for help when needed.
For additional resources, contact Mental Health Administrator, Shannon Reese, at Salem County Department of Mental Health & Addiction Services at 856-935-7510 ext. 8648
You deserve to be the healthiest version of yourself!
Smoking Cessation Resources
Contact the Quit Center today!
856-641-8633 |
When you’re ready to quit, Inspira’s Quit Center is ready to help. Comprehensive services to help you quit the tobacco/nicotine habit. All at no cost!
The Inspira Quit Center is here for you! Whether you are trying to quit for the first time, or the tenth time, we can help you quit smoking, chewing, or vaping.
Our trained experts understand the science behind physical and emotional nicotine addiction and the most proven methods to quit.
Resource Videos
Salem County Division of Mental Health Addiction Services
Salem County Mental Health & Addiction Services
Recovery and Prevention Resources